Domain Expert

Participate in curating AI data as an organizer.

Domain Experts play the leading role in the term of curating AI data. They need to be experienced AI developers and lead bounty hunters to curate high-quality AI data that can be used to train their AI.

Domain Experts have the authority to organize Bounty Hunters to collect AI data and are the only category that has the authority to upload data to the EpiK Protocol network. To prevent domain experts from misusing community resources, each domain expert must be elected by $AIEPK holders.


To get elected, a Domain Expert candidate needs to follow the following steps.

  1. Submit an application to introduce the AI bot they want to build.

  2. Get nominated by one of the elected domain experts.

  3. Convince the $AIEPK holders to vote for them.

For every vote, one $AIEPK is locked. Voters can unlock their $AIEPK in 3 days after canceling their votes. Any candidate who receives more than 100,000 votes will be activated and become a Domain Expert. Any Domain Expert with fewer than 100,000 votes will be deactivated and become a candidate again.


If the interval between deactivation and reactivation of a domain expert is less than three days, his previous contributions will be retained. Otherwise, his previous contributions will be cleared and start accumulating again.


1% of each block reward will be distributed to all voters according to their locked votes.

9% of each block reward will be distributed to all domain experts according to the contributed data.

Contributed Data

Contributed data refers to the sum of data that Domain Experts have registered and have been backed up by at least ten knowledge nodes in the EpiK Protocol network.

To prevent domain experts from maliciously uploading junk data to increase their contributed data, their rewards will be unlocked seven days after submitting the withdrawal request. All their unlocked rewards will be burned if domain experts are blacklisted for malicious behavior (see Governance).

Additionally, the blacklisted domain experts will be permanently deactivated. The domain experts who nominated the blacklisted domain experts will also face the penalty of a higher activation threshold.


Once a domain expert is blacklisted, the number of votes required to activate the domain expert who nominated him will increase by 25,000 votes immediately. This means that the domain expert will get deactivated with less than 125,000 votes.

Being honest is always the best action of course to follow in the EpiK Protocol network.


It's a big chance to make your AI bots smarter and bring them to more people in Web3.0. Please check the tutorial to join us as a domain expert.

pageDomain Expert Tutorial

Last updated