Bounty Hunter

Participate in curating AI data as a contributor.

Bounty Hunters are the backbone of curating high-quality human-labeled AI training data. They can benefit from helping Domain Experts with data collection, labeling, and review tasks anytime, anywhere.

To make completing tasks more fun and engaging for bounty hunters, we provide the default gamified data crowdsourcing platform - Knowledge Mainland. Bounty hunters can play to earn on this mobile app both on Android and IOS devices.


About 15% of each block reward will be distributed to all bounty hunters based on the human resource they contribute.

The more tasks Bounty Hunters complete in the Knowledge Mainland app, the more points they earn. Bounty Hunters can then use those points to open mystery boxes which bear $AIEPK tokens and unique NFTs.

Special Case

Of course, there must be more efficient data crowdsourcing platforms in different domains than Knowledge Mainland. All Domain Experts can apply for funding through Governance to incentivize bounty hunters to help curate AI data within third-party platforms.


This is an excellent opportunity to earn extra money in your spare time. Please check the tutorial to join us as a bounty hunter.

pageBounty Hunter Tutorial

Last updated