
It's a 50-year journey starting in 2021.

The total supply of $AIEPK is 1,000,000,000.

The $AIEPK token is the native currency for the EpiK Protocol network and the cornerstone for a new, inclusive, and borderless AI data economy.

EpiK Protocol provides the infrastructure for community members to curate, store and share AI data to billions of AI bots in the real world and metaverse.

5% of $AIEPK is reserved for the founding team, 5% for the foundation, and 20% for the strategic investors. The rest of 70% will be minted in each block and rewarded to all contributors over the course of 50 years starting on Aug 15, 2021.


The block reward will decay once every 90 days by a factor of 0.9573501.

Contributors are divided into four main categories: domain expert, bounty hunter, knowledge node, and knowledge gateway.

Domain experts lead bounty hunters to curate high-quality human-labeled AI training data using various data collecting and labelling tools. Knowledge nodes provide distributed storage devices to store AI data curated by domain experts and bounty hunters. Knowledge gateways build API services for AI bots to access the AI data stored by knowledge nodes.

To allow different roles to jointly promote the development of the EpiK Protocol network while pursuing the maximization of their interests, we have designed various incentive schemes for different roles.

pageDomain ExpertpageBounty HunterpageKnowledge NodepageKnowledge Gateway

Last updated